Paid-members only Platform Sutra A Year-End Thank You: The Platform Sutra's "Pivotal Affinities" Chapter
Kensho True Kensho: An Ordinary Person Wakes Up To commemorate the Buddha Shakyamuni's awakening - a repost from early 2024 of a householder's famous awakening experience in about 1750 and his post kensho work with Hakuin and the nun, Esho.
Platform Sutra Dharma Ocean's Pivotal Affinity with the Sixth Ancestor: Studying the Platform Sutra "When absorption and wisdom are maintained equally/Within consciousness all is pure and clear."
Members only Inka shomei Featured Inka Shomei: The Ancient Practice of Face-to-Face Verification Today
Absorption More Is Less: How To Shut Up And See Deeply If you want to deeply delight in the buddhadharma, if you want to go beyond stages, break through mu, and practice wisdom-samadhi throughout the day, the first thing you gotta do is sit down and shut up.
Wandering Close to Home: A Year of Zen Reflections, Consolations, and Reveries "Our essential choice is whether or not we align with what is already true."
Paid-members only Record of Going Easy Stars Shining Through a Hidden Meaning: On Taking the Teaching Seat
What Was Bodhidharma Really Doing? On The Importance of Breaking Through Walls If we cling to walls about dharma practice, how can we break through?
Vine of Obstacles Zen Featured Four Big Juicy Factors of the Zen Way Many practitioners languish in their home practice, tormented by small doubt, due to the difficulty of implementing Zen practice in non-residential settings.
Vine of Obstacles Zen Featured Vine of Obstacles Zen Training: What's the Point? Wholeheartedly doing the training just for the love of the buddhadharma.