Going Through the Mystery Going Through The Mystery's One Hundred Questions, Question 6: What Realizes True Nature?
Awakening We Are All This Luminous Mind: The Possibility and Importance of Awakening An article by me (with the help of many friends) that appeared in Tricycle, 1/29/22. Their heading: "A Zen view of what awakening is and isn’t, with personal stories from contemporary practitioners."
Thich Nhat Hanh "Don't Build Me a Stupa": The Legacy of Thich Nhat Hanh Now that Thich Nhat Hanh (aka Thầy or “teacher”) has died, I’ve been reflecting again on this great teacher and his legacy. Notably, he asked his students not to build him a stupa - a site of veneration - however, as you may have also witnessed, the social media landscape is filled with stupas!