Paid-members only Record of Going Easy This Breath Turns Millions Of Scrolls: An Invitation For The Ancestor To Go To East India
Zhiyi Featured Three Big Sublime Stopping Mistakes ... denial that stopping is possible, the exaggerated concern about attachment to stopping, and confusing stopping with seeing.
Vine of Obstacles Zen Featured Vine Zen Writing: '23 Roundup and What's Coming in '24 I'm writing today to give you a quick and organized way to view what's been offered here from the Vine Writing Department over the last several months and what is probably coming in '24.
Members only Ten Line Kannon Universal Gate: Context for Great Compassion Training with “The Ten Line Life Prolonging Kannon Sutra”
Hakuin Breaking News: Hakuin Zenji Named Vine of Obstacles Zen Abbot Emeritus "I want all of you to be aware that the study of Zen can effect a miraculous transformation that will change you to the very marrow of your bones." Hakuin Zenji
Koan A Goose in a Bottle: How Will You Be Free? Kannon Bodhisattva pays us a visit, drops their usual name and form, enters us, and turns in accord with the circumstances as they are.
Paid-members only Record of Going Easy Dizang Planting the Fields: “What Do You Call the Three Worlds?”
Ten Line Kannon Zazen and Great Compassion: Realizing a Soft and Flexible Mind Therefore, within zazen they do not forget living beings, and they do not discard living beings, including even insects and worms, but always compassionately remember them for their benefit.
Paid-members only Tangen Harada Throw Yourself Into the House of Buddha: The Dharma Talk by Kogen Czarnik Osho
Dogen Gifts for the Seven Wise Sisters from a Couple Brothers with the Same Mother Hakuin Zenji emphasizes the importance of dharma expression to benefit living beings, especially by offering poison words that disrupt delusions and allow the pure wind of wild awakening to blow forth.