The Platform Sutra Featured What is Shugyo 修行 (aka "Cultivating Conduct")? "Shugyo refers to training the whole being in the most profound manner by taking the wisdom of awakening itself as the basis of training."
Members only The Platform Sutra "Do I Need A Teacher or Not?" The Quirky Perspective of the Platform Sutra
Platform Sutra The Platform Sutra's Nonabiding "If you can clear away grasping mind, you will be permeated with non obstruction."
Platform Sutra Problems With The Platform Sutra: Dogen ...if you have a problem with the buddhadharma and don't even consider the possibility that it might be your personal problem, you really aren't in that moment studying the buddhadharma.
The Platform Sutra Problems With The Platform Sutra: Scholars There is a strong consensus among Buddhist scholars that "The Platform Sutra" is not what it presents itself to be....
secret acts of kindness Featured Secret Acts of Kindness and He Gets Us Why not create a world of kindness together?
Paid-members only Record of Going Easy This Breath Turns Millions Of Scrolls: An Invitation For The Ancestor To Go To East India
Zhiyi Featured Three Big Sublime Stopping Mistakes ... denial that stopping is possible, the exaggerated concern about attachment to stopping, and confusing stopping with seeing.