Record of Going Easy Yúnmén's Sound and Color The issue of sound and color is one that comes up a lot in the Zen tradition, because it is central to awakening. In the Diamond Sutra, Chapter 26, we find this verse: Seeking me by using form/color or seeking me by using the sound of my voice A
Keizan Featured What Is The Heart of Zen? Reflections On The Transmission of Luminosity The Record of the Transmission of Illumination (J. Denkoroku) by Keizan Jokin Zenji (1264-1325) is one of the most important dharma texts available to us today - so important that the great master Harada Sogaku Roshi (1871-1961) chose it for his reformed koan curriculum. In a recent post, I shared
Keizan A Black Lacquer Person Runs Through the Night: The Sudden Awakening of Keizan Jokin Sudden, great awakening is the life blood of the Zen school, both Soto and Rinzai.
Denkoroku Do Not Use Your Hand Like A Visor After he had completed training, one of our Zen ancestors, Tiāntóng Zōngjué (天童宗珏, Heavenly Child Clan of Jewels; J. Tendō Sōkaku; 1091–1162), appeared in the world as a teacher. Yes, the source text has the phrase "in the world." Keizan notes in his Denkōroku (Record of the
Denkoroku Not Looking Toward The Peace Of The Innermost Mind As I mentioned in my last post, in our ongoing Vine of Obstacles Zen practice period focussing on the teaching of Keizan Jokin Zenji (1261-1325), a fourth generation master in Japan, we see that a great deal of his teaching simply points to how to do it - Zen practice-awakening.
Keizan Intimate Knowing: How To Work With Thinking In Zazen In our ongoing Vine of Obstacles Zen practice period focussing on the teaching of Keizan Jokin Zenji (1261-1325), a fourth generation master in Japan, we see that a great deal of his teaching simply points to how to do it - Zen practice-awakening. And Keizan also exudes a particular tone,
Paid-members only Record of Going Easy Bumping Into It Here, Knocking Into It There: Fǎyǎn’s Substance and Name
Dahui Plucking a Blade of Grass: The Wondrous Dharma of Miàodào Below you will find a dharma talk by an incredible (and largely unknown) Zen master, Miàodào Dǐngguāng (1095-1170), one of only three women Zen masters listed in Outline of the Linked Flames, a transmission of illumination collection published in 1183. Miàodào had been a student of the Cáodòng (J. Sōtō)
Going Through the Mystery The Awakening of Yaeko Iwasaki: No Place Not Known No Place Not Known V20:00/1431.3795921× In this post (actually a slightly clean-up repost from earlier this year), you'll find a selection from Going Through the Mystery's One Hundred Questions. Also, a few years back, while I was in the midst of translating and
Denkoroku Establish Yourself In The Ground Of Dharma This week in our Vine of Obstacle Zen practice period, we are studying the 46th ancestor, Danxia Zichun (丹霞子淳, Vermillion Mist Pure Child; J. Tanka Shijun; 1064–1117) through Keizan's Record of the Transmission of Illumination. In this post, I'll give you a tiny bit of
Record of Going Easy Featured Learn Zen From This Old Woman: Iron Grindstone’s Old Cow From The Record of Going Easy We're deep into winter here at the Neyaashi Zen Hermitage. Intense cold and clarity follow the big storm that swept through much of the country last week, and we're looking at forecasts for more snow this week. What better time for the Iron Grindstone?! Iron Grindstone
Dogen Dogen’s Instruction for Householder Zen Training (Eihei kōroku V8.14) Translated with introduction and notes by Dōshō Port Introduction Because this Dōgen dharma discourse (hōgo) was written for householders, includes examples of awakened householders, and offers instructions for householders, I've long been curious about it. After all, 99% or so of those engaged in