Vine of Obstacles Zen The Dynamic Way of Vine of Obstacles Zen: Zazen, Study, and Engagement (Upcoming Talk Series) "We welcome you to attend the talks that we will give for our Vine of Obstacles Zen students and guests on the three essentials of our practice."
Vine of Obstacles Zen Featured A Review of Vine Writings in 2024 and What's Ahead in 2025 This site is dedicated to depth writing about Zen practice for folks like you who aspire to go deeply into the Buddha Way.
Vine of Obstacles Zen Featured Four Big Juicy Factors of the Zen Way Many practitioners languish in their home practice, tormented by small doubt, due to the difficulty of implementing Zen practice in non-residential settings.
Vine of Obstacles Zen Featured Vine of Obstacles Zen Training: What's the Point? Wholeheartedly doing the training just for the love of the buddhadharma.
Vine of Obstacles Zen Featured Vine Zen Writing: '23 Roundup and What's Coming in '24 I'm writing today to give you a quick and organized way to view what's been offered here from the Vine Writing Department over the last several months and what is probably coming in '24.
Hakuin Breaking News: Hakuin Zenji Named Vine of Obstacles Zen Abbot Emeritus "I want all of you to be aware that the study of Zen can effect a miraculous transformation that will change you to the very marrow of your bones." Hakuin Zenji